advertising – Data Science, Data Analytics and Machine Learning Consulting in Koblenz Germany Extract knowledge from your data and be ahead of your competition Tue, 17 Jul 2018 12:12:43 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Why Facabook likes do not really matter Wed, 23 Jul 2014 12:16:36 +0000 Long time I have been trying to educate people about social networks and marketing within social networking services. I thought I would not create an article about the topic in my blog again, but I just stumbled upon a really nice video summarizing a lot of my concerns from a different angle.
So here you can see how much click fraud exists with likes on Facebook. Why you should not buy any likes and in general about the problems with Facebook’s news stream.

I am really wondering at what point in time the industries will realize that Facebook is not a vivid ecosystem and this thing will break down. I have been predicting the Downfall of Facebook quite often and it did not happen so far. I am still expecting it to happen and I guess we all have to wait just a little bit longer.

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Organization of the Open Access event 2013 in Oxford. Tue, 19 Mar 2013 19:08:07 +0000 During the past two months I invested quite some of my spare free time to contribute to the organization of the open access event Rigor and Openness in 21st century science which will take place in the University of Oxford on April 11th and 12th.
The Idea of the conference came up during Heinrich’s time in Oxford where he and me have been working a lot on related work and he was working closely together with people from the Akorn project (c.f. Heinrichs blog article why openess benefits research)
Thanks to a great effort of the organizing team (mostly students from Oxford + Heinrich and me) we can finally publicly announce the conference.
As you can see from the web page
we have been able to attract quite some famous speakers to Oxford for the various sessions, keynotes and the debate. I am particularly proud that we could even get hold of Amelia Andersdotter MEP and member of the Swedish pirate party for the public debate together with people from publishers…

Please help us to spread the word of the conference. Even if you cannot come to Oxford or live abroad some of your friends might be close and might want to attend.
The topic of open access is important since we have to preserve or knowledge (c.f.

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Report of Socialcom2012 online in our new WeST blog Thu, 20 Sep 2012 06:31:33 +0000 Hey everyone,
longtime no see! Well yeah the summer time usually means vaccation and traveling and so on. But I also have been busy creating some cool content and visiting some conference!
So first of all together with my friend Leon Kastler I have established our new WeST Blog. The goal is to be more transparent with the research of our institute! Quite some people in our institute already shared some nice information. So why don’t you give our blog a try and follow it at:
Since our institute now has its own blog I will in future publish some of my articles over there and will just point to them from this blog. This will happen especially if the content of the articles is founded by research money from our institute. So my presentation at SocialCom 2012 is most certainly founded by our institute so thats why you can read my summery together with some suggestions of interesting paper at my article:

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Why Musicians should have a Bandpage on Google Plus! Tue, 13 Mar 2012 10:37:16 +0000 The following info graphic for businesses was released by Chris Brogan and demonstrates quite well why musicians should get on Google Plus and how to use it. It is released under a creative commons licence
Very good work!

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Question of the Day: How the hell do we reach more people? Sun, 19 Feb 2012 21:33:09 +0000 Recently I received an email from a musicians that wishes to stay unnamed telling me that many people out there love his music but it just hasn’t spread too far. His basic question is how can his band reach more people on the web especially with regard to a new upcoming video?
His promoter suggested something like:

  1. You should send a press release to all music related websites
  2. You should show the videos to your  friends and ask them to reshare it with their friends
  3. You should make a riffle regarding the video

Before I start with my thoughts. In this blog article I will explain some fundamental concepts of online marketing. This is not only interesting for musicians but for any brand! The concepts of branding will be questioned hard.

The aked question is very fundamental for online (music) marketing

The oberservation of this musician is quite right and holds true for many musicians but also for other products. Actually it is a nice application of the Pareto Principle (8.9% of bands make up 91.1% of plays on And the problem exists not only on the web. Once you start a new thing with a lot of enthusiasm you will most certainly get to realize that no one really cares despite the fact that your product / music is good and your receive some nice feedback. I looked at some of the social media response for this particular artist and found out that he really is in the lucky position to receive a lot of great feedback and see that quite a lot people cared. Still it is  hard for him to increase his reach and inform people about this very product id est introducing the music to them.

Problem of overcoming the boarders of one’s own social circle

The entire problem breaks down to overcoming one’s own social circle. If you understand that the entire world is a network (it is really hard to fully understand all the implications of this) you understand that the big problem in (online) marketing is the following:
You have your ego network – or let’s call it social circle of people – that you can reach with an idea. You will realize within your  social circle some ties are better and some are worse. Some ties are so great that they might even help you out (for example because they are your record label or promoter or booker or die hard fans). But in the end they can be all combined as one person in the network that has a (somewhat bigger) social circle. And the social circle will look like the following pictures which I took from Marc Smith Blogpost about social networks in the news (A tutor of mine at Webscie summer school 2011)
Ego network and social circle
In this series of pictures you can actually see how weak your social circle is (and again for a music band the circle might be bigger at all but the entire picture will look similar:
Rest of an ego network
Even though you can reach anyone in our worldwide friendship network with only 6 people in between your social circle will only reach a view ten thousand people! So the question is: “how to get the other 7 billion?”
To make this even more clear: As a b(r)and you might “know” an amazing number of let us say 3500 fans (mabe you reach even more) and become a “rather” central node in the social graph of people and brands. But let uns see why this is not of any help!

  1. you know 3500 fans
  2. Those fans already have 410’000 (almost half a million) people in their ego networks which probably makes the use of Facebook so tempting. 
  3. Your fans friends altogether know 51 mio people. 
  4. Finally these people that you already know over three hops will know the entire rest of the world e.g. the other 7 bn people 

Do you really think your music / product / message / idea is so great that your friends will tell their friends who will tell their friends who will tell the others? That is really all it takes! 4 hops. Sorry to disappoint you. This is almost impossible to achieve!

The classic answer before the viral web was born: Advertising

Well the problem existed a long time before the web was born. People already have figured out the solution: You ask someone who has a huge reach to tell his audience about your new idea! Less sophisticated we can summerize this idea in one word: “advertising” you go to any media pay them some money and they will talk about you. This worked amazingly well in earlier days. There wasn’t that much media and if you had your product in some media you could be certain that you had at least a brand awareness. But there is a limitation of advertising…

A Problem of advertising and some advantages and disadvantages of online advertising

Of course once you run advertising campaigns your will receive some attention. No matter how good or bad your product is. That was the principle during the Dot com Bubble  where many start ups spent way too much advertising dollars and money to built reach instead of focusing on a great product. This is the reason why every ad campaign should carefully measure several things (fortunately in online marketing this is easier than anything else!):

  • Conversionrate – as the percentage of people that convert to (fans, custormers, emailadresses,… basically whatever goal you have for the campaign)
  • Bounce rate – as the amount of people that clicked your ad but left your page / product right away
  • The price you pay per click (or per 1 thousand impressions)
  • The value to you for a new fan (customer).

Once you know these numbers you can easily calculate weather an ad campaign is usefull for you or not! And you can calculate those numbers easily. The first three are given or measured during the ad campaign. If you don’t know how to do this. Contact me. The last one has its own paragraph.

What is the value of one new fan?

For the value of a new fan you could do the following. Count the number of fans you have (e.g. size of news letter / facebook fans …) and then look at your last year revenue (sum up: merch + concerts + sold music) devide this number by the number of fans and you see how much revenue one fan produces in one year. I know it is only a rough estimation but I wonder how many bands have calculated this number! Look at other products and markets.Everyone who is in the business of direct marketing maintains a customer data base which is a solid asset to the business. Groupon for example gives away 6 Euro for every new Customer someone finds. (This means that Groupon thinks a new Contact is worth at least 6 Euro.) 
As a musician you should know this number. Assume a new Fan is worth 6 Euro to you this would mean that knowing 5 thousand fans is worth as much as the production of an entire record. Could this be true? Actually I will try to start some calculations together with my Collegues from In Legend soon and try to calculate how much we should spend to gain a new fan!

Problem of aggressive marketing vs spreading of new information

On the web the problem is that people have so much choice that advertisting only helps to some degree. With Google adwords for example you only pay for clicks. So you definately obtain the attention. On the other side people drift away very quickly and their span of attention is very small. Another drawback is that many things on the web are free. Even though advertisting for music on the web is so much cheaper than offline advertising it is not standard to make use of advertisting on the web. Recordlabels and promoters so far refuse to invest money for it. That is sad because there is a lot of potential in online advertising (especially once you measure your conversion and bounce rates as well as the click through rates.)
Luckily those rates can be measured before you run an ad campaign. Investing money to increase reach should therefore never be done to a complete new product. A complete new product should be tested first. You meassure the feedback. Once you realize that people are happy you are save paying money to increasing your reach. For example in in legends case the youtube pandemonium video received much better feedback than vortex video and so far the soul apart video seems to receive the best feedback overall. By user ratings / average daily views as well as user comments. So you better go out an make advertising with your best performing content. Will you care that this is not your newest piece of work or even the first video? Hell no! Advertising is always targeted to people that don’t know you. You can even show them a 10 year old video and they might not realize its age! Once they like you they can still discover your newer stuff. 
Attention the above suggestion drastically changes if you are a mature b(r)and. In that case of course your star products are already well known and you should use promotional power and your brand recognition to get out the new product. This leads to the next paragraph.

Do all these calculations depend on the maturity of the band?

The answer is clearly yes! A band that is mature will still need promotion and advertising but also a lot of messages spread from almost alone. Some other things are easier achieved (mag title stories and so on…) But the obvious message is the following. The cost of advertising and your conversion rate will most probably stay constant and remain independent of the bands maturity. Metallica has to pay the same price for youtube ads as In Legend has to. But the fan is worth more if a band is not mature yet. A fan from the first record might go to many tours and buy a lot of products and also help spreading the word in a viral manner. For a mature band chances are pretty high that people who see the ad already know the brand but already decided not to like the band. So even though a young band has not much money and can not be sure that the product is already sufficiently good (which will lead to a drop in conversionrate i.e. more expensive ads or higher acquisition cost per new fan) ads make much more sense if the band is totally unknown. Be couragous invest some money and bootstrap your product! You are also courageous by going on the stage. So please also enter the web stage and built your reach! I know it’s less fun than rocking the audience in a life concert but the effect should be pretty much the same.

Other non advertising impact factors to overcome the boarders of one’s social circle

Since advertising is very expensive and probably not sustainable one can wonder if there are other ways to overcome the boarders of your social circle. I would say there are. The best way to do so in my pure empirical experience is transparicy, openess, the trust in other people and the interactive communication with them. Take me as an example. When I went to china I had basically no one to talk to about my interests. Now I started blogging sharing my ideas and – some people already called me crazy – parts of my intellectual propertie. Guess what! By doing so I was able to find more and more people with similar interests from all around the globe that I would never have met in my own social circle giving my valuable feedback to my ideas. My Reading club on distributed graph data bases is just a recent example of this added value from transparency.
So as a band here are some things you could and should do besides advertising your star products (and yes it is not the mainstream and might take some courage to do so!):

  1. Interact with your fans. Treat them with respect. Not just by telling them but by really showing them. Don’t be so “kind” to share only news about you. That’s not interacting that’s publishing! Join the discussion on current topics (in music, news, …) or respond to what your fans say! Find out if it is relevant and stay in a conversation. I know it is hard since fans can become annoying and as a person it is already hard where a band has much more fame and more people and ideas to take care of. 
  2. And please don’t be fake interactive by asking questions like “Heya Legends..
    A new week has begun, what is your sound for depressing mondays and what gets your through the week???
    ” Asking questions especially if they don’t really carry a meaning is not interactive. That is just embarissing. That’s the reason why this kind of questions don’t take your marketing anywhere.
  3. Integrate your fans! That is the by far most promesing strategy. As a band with already 3’500 fans there is so much diversity, creativity and so on that you will be able to achieve extra ordinary things. I am sure fans of you will have access to recording studios will have access to cheap videos maybe there are webdesigner and photographers. If you interact with your fans in a very smart way you don’t even have to ask them if there is a REPLACE BY WHATEVER YOU NEED. You will just know who is it. This leads me to 4th
  4. Use the upcoming social network google+. First of all it is very obvious that it will kill Facebook on the long term (probably even on the short term) but more important it supports you to follow your fans since you can put them into circles. So all photographs go in one circle. All reviews go in another circle, all bloggers in the next circle, all technicians, all bookers, all concert organizers and so on. Streetteamer go in one circle. Follow those people they like your music and could be valuable for you.   
  5. Speaking of streetteam: I once talked to a record label coworker. She told me in her experience the single best promotion tool for a band is a streetteam. Unfortunately I have seen many streetteams also did not receive the respect they deserved from band mambers. A band’s streetteam has an incredible impact. I once wondered how a poster of my favourite band came to be placed on a train station of a minor German city. It was much later that I realized that this must have been streetteam members… On the web by being interactive you can build your own global streetteam with almost no cost – besides time! Treat your streetteam. Have a streetteam meeting at least once a year and have all bandmembers come and have a great party with them. You can also make virtual meetings.
  6. last but not least: Do all the things your promoter suggested at the very top of my post. Those are the core homework choires. 

For the last lines. Have fun making music and enjoy the most recent video of my band

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Google 2011 Q4 Earnings Wed, 25 Jan 2012 19:04:30 +0000 Ok no secret here that I am a Google Fan. But listening to the Google Report of 2011 I am just amazed and speechless.
Everything is growing:

  • $10 bn revenue / quartal ==> more than $100 mio. / day!!!
  • 90 Mio Google+ users
  • over 60% of plus users engage daily with it and over 80% weekly!
  • 350 Mio active Gmail users
  • Youtube makes $5 bn revenue
  • 700’000 android devices installed daily
  • 250 Mio. Android devices in total!
  • 11 bn downloads from the android market
  • chrome is growing (sadly no numbers) But in an interesting (on its own) blog post of reddit you can see 42% of reddit users use chrome (which might not be representative)
  • Google apps has 5000 new businesses signing up per day (among them: harvard, berkley, states (like wyoming), and a major bank bbva >100’000 employees) ,…)
  • 1 mio. Google+ pages have been created by brands (it is mentioned that there exists a sales team (I knew it all the time (-: )

Larry points out again:
Like I always said: “Emerging highest quality products can generate huge new businesses for Google on the long term. Just like search. And we have a ton of experience monetizing those products over time!”
But have a look for yourself and listen to the annual report!

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you should use Youtube promoted videos for your music band Thu, 10 Nov 2011 08:00:56 +0000 After building the In legend Youtube DVD I was able to convince my band mates that it is quite useful to use Youtube ads in order to reach new fans and promote our new videos. I have to say that I am not very experienced about youtube ad marketing but of course I understand the basics behind keyword marketing and I can calculate some numbers. So I decided to give it a try! Before I blog all my experiences and mistakes I would like to discuss a few more things about promoted videos on youtube in gerneral and why it really makes sense for musicians to use them (at least in these times…)

Motivation: Compare theoretical reach and cost of youtube ads vs print media

  • The current situation in youtube is the following. Right now you pay 1 Cent per person watching your video / listening to your piece of music after he by himself has choosen to click on it by seeing an interesting title and description.
  • In print media on the other side you pay 500 Euro for a quater page of advertising. At least that is the number that I know from Metal Hammer which is read by 40’000 people. This means you pay 1.25 Cent per Impression! 

You think this sonds like a similar price to you? WRONG! That is much more expensive! Let me tell you why:
Not only 1.25 Cent is more than 1 Cent. But recall that an impression in a magazine full of advertising is not seen by many people. Also we know that even the people who see it don’t take an action and buy your CD or search for you on the web. On youtube again every Click means that a person spends at least 4 minutes with your music and you have the chance to score some points. Think of your self! Do you become fan of a band just because of a silly ad in a magazine or after watching a cool video and listening to a great song?
I have to admidt thogh that there is the positive fact that ads in magazines give rise to stories in mags which have a huge conversionrate and a reach that probably goes far beyond the audience of the mag. Well on the other hand sharing a Youtube video with you friends also has a huge reach that goes beyond the  audience you payed for.
So we conlude Youtube Promoted videos is the much more superior, efficiant and much cheaper way to reach new fans!

what is going on on youtube and what do you have to watch out for?

Let me first explain the difference between Conversion rate and Clickthrough Rate (which is called viewthrough rate = VTR in the context of youtube):
View through rate:  In the dashboard of your youtube ad campaign google tells you about your VTR and says the higher the VTR the better. Well that is technically true but there is one little thing missing. A high VTR is helpfull for Google/Youtube. You don’t have to care. VTR means how many times does Google have to show your video as a promoted video untill someone sees it and you have to pay. so if your VTR is 1% it means that after 100 display ads you have one person watching the video and you have payed youtube once. Let’s assume the rate is 2%. Well then with the same amount of impressions youtube has earned the double amount of money. You should not care about this rate. As long as you get the viewers you payed for everything is cool
Conversion Rate: A metric that should be of your interest though is the Conversion rate. Unfortunately this is hard to track and google does not really help you on this. It tells you how many of the people your reached turn into fans / recommend the video / sign up to your newsletter / buy an album to make it short take any action. You are interested in a high conversion rate since it gets you the maximum out of the viewers you payed for.
This rate is probably increased by choosing good keywords and being really honest in the ad text about what to expect. Despite what youtube is saying you’d rather have a lower VTR and increase your Conversionrate!
Ads within the video. As soon as you have your video in a promoted campain you can controll the ads that are displayed within your video. This enables you to display something in the video with a link to an external website which is impossible otherwise! The funny thing is if the campaign is paused due to the fact that your google adsense account is runnin out of cash those display ads are still visible. I will write an entire article about this nice little trick!

My personal Experience

I have the feeling that on my first test on youtube I did not get a high conversion rate. Only 0.8% clicked on the download this video for free link! (but most of them actually registered to the site an downloaded it)
I was lazy and made a campaign with 150 different keywords (which I choose as popular metal related words from metalcon (mostly band names)). all ad’s had the same ad with the same title and text. For example I bought the keyword: “hard rock” well our music is not really hard rock. Since we also used this word in the ad text I guess a lot of people have been disapointed and did not convert.
Since youtube seems to favor ads with a high VTR (this happens if add text and the keyword you pitch for) are similar (because users think the video is of interest to them) we recieved 40% of our views on hard rock which is as I said not even a good keyword at all.
Next time I will group keywords together in smaller groups and make ads particularly for these groups in this way I push VTR which is good for youtube but I also find fans on keywords that will convert better and I can drop off the campaigns for keywords like hardrock…
Overall I have to say that I bougth 1000 clicks per day for 10 Euro a day for a German audiance. Which was nice overall. I spend 80 Euro for 8 thousand views which gave our video a nice little push. 

Summary of my Experiences

  • I think Youtube ads are very cost efficiant and are a great tool for musicians. It is a product where advertising really makes sense / not like a tv commercial for diappers or some other FMCG…) It is especially good for small musicians that need to introduce their music to many people.
  • Right now ads on youtube are totally undervalued (which will most certainly change over time). I cannot imagine that in 5 years from now youtube ads will still be that cheap.
  • However youtube has the problem that high quality advertising material is rare. so maybe the price might stay low for a pretty long time.
  • Youtube ads can probably be even more efficiant if good keywords are selected!
  • If it was my decission for a band as small as in legend I would buy advertising on youtube for thousand till two thousand euros.
  • I would not need to depend on any label or promo company or any other person to reach a very large audience at a rather cheap price! I would have real people who spend time getting to know my music!

in other words we again see a situation in which the web can help people to solve a problem. A new comer can reach out to hundres of thousands of people at very low cost and independent of other people!
So tell me what is your experience with youtube ads?

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Why Google Plus and social networking is so important to Google Fri, 01 Jul 2011 19:44:32 +0000 Finally Google made the big step to enter the social networking market. (Here my first thoughts and impressions on Google+. ) There were quite a lot of rumors about it and of course everyone saw it coming. In the actual discussions, there seems to be a lot of confusion about why social networking is actually so important to Google. Most people seem to believe that the reason is advertising. So far I agree with them. But most people also think that advertising on the web will at some point become less important than advertising in social networks. This is where I don’t agree. Of course, if Google would stay out of social networking, they will most likely lose some share in the ad market. However, losing market share in a growing market does not necessarily correspond to a loss in revenue.
In my opinion, the real thread to Google is that Facebook will soon be able to attack the success story of AdSense / Adwords, delivering not only ads to the rest of the web but delivering high quality / highly personalized ads. This would not only attack Google’s market share but pose a serious thread to the revenues of Google.
In his article on All things digital, Ben Elowitz states that the time spent on social networking sites is growing where the time spent on the rest of the web is declining a little. Have a look at the graphic he created:

He also says that, nowadays, for every minute on Facebook, people spend eight minutes on the web. If the trend on this graphic continues, people might soon spend as much time on the web as on Facebook.
In many articles you can read that this is an attack to Google’s market share in the advertising space. But if you look carefully on the graph, the time spend on the web is not really dropping. The time spend on social networking sites is just exploding. Furthermore, there is still much more time spent on the web. From this perspective, there is no danger to the revenue Google creates from advertising. But that is exactly the thread to Google.

Advertising on the rest of the web is still much more profitable than advertising on social networks.

If Facebook continues to attract advertisers, they could easily create an ad program that is similar to Google Adsense. Many Facebook-users provide the network with detailed information about their interests. Thus, Facebook will be able to deliver highly personalized advertising to any user on any website. They don’t even have to care about the websites content. Even if the user would not have a Facebook-account, Facebook could still be able to predict the topics of interest for users of a website and again deliver highly personalized ads that do not necessarily have to correspond to the content of the website. I strongly believe that this is the real thread coming from Facebook to Google and this is what Google is afraid of!
What is your oppinion? Why do you think Google had to enter the social networking market?

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First privacy impressions of my new android phone Wed, 22 Jun 2011 17:29:44 +0000 My new cellphone finally arrived today. Being a fan of Google products, I was excited to test Android and get a feeling for everything. I wasn’t sure whether I would really need a smartphone or whether it was rather a time wasting but cool toy. After a bit of testing and playing around, I have to admit that I will probably use the option to retrieve feeds and read more news / blogs while being on the train or bus. I might also work on my Chinese more frequently with Anki for Android and there are some other features that will most certainly enrich my life.
One of them was that Google offered to synchronize my Gmail address book + calender with Android. The data is with Google anyway so I decided that it is not a big deal. And voilà, all my contacts, including phone numbers, are on my new phone. Amazing, considering my heart attack after my old cell broke down for which I did not have any backups.

All this comes at a very high price.

Since I started blogging and working on my PhD, I also started to use Twitter. So I wanted to download a Twitter app from the Android app market. It is incredible that the official Twitter app asks permission to access my phone’s address book. Remember, my phones address book is just a copy of my Gmail address book. I see how it helps Twitter to increase their service but to me, it became just too easy to share very sensitive data with companies that you might not (?) trust. I wonder whether the service Twitter offers to us will really improve that much if we share our private address book with the company. In my opinion, the small improvement we get does not justify their need to access my private address book. What would I have to promise someone to have a copy of his address book?

Can I escape?

I decided not to install the Twitter app. But does that really make sense? I guess most people don’t mind. After all, it is Twitter, a well known brand, that asks for the data. Additionally, Twitter is a communication service, so it makes sense to share this kind of data. However, even if I don’t share, Twitter can still guess the entries of my address book. Most of my friends who use Twitter with an android phone will probably accept the terms and condition of the Twitter app. Does not installing the app really help to protect my and my friends(!) privacy?
It is amazing that I am thinking right now about the consequences of blogging my experience of interviewing with Google when exactly this company creates structures that make us all sit in a glass house! I am very sure that this is intentionally like this. Please don’t missunderstand me. My first impression of Android is very good and I knew before that it encourages you in several ways to share data with anyone. Still, Android is probably one of the most useful tools which were brought to customers within the last ten years. I am only pointing out that things are changing very fast these days.

Which Android apps do I need?

So far I have:

  • Google Maps
  • Gmail
  • Google Search
  • Google Voice Recognition
  • Google Reader
  • Google News
  • Tweetdeck (without sharing my address book !)
  • Ankidroid
  • Google Docs
  • Google Calendar

What else would you suggest? And no, I don’t want a Facebook app. (-:

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Google, Facebook & co. are not free! Thu, 09 Jun 2011 20:05:05 +0000 Besides ecommerce one really big Internet business model obviously is the trade or monetarization of data. This Blogpost reminded to write an article about this topic.
I think the author points out the most important facts! Services like Facebook / gmail / Youtube and so on are not free. Moneywise they are free of charge but with your data you pay a price for using it. Luckily for Facebook / Google and co. most people don’t know the value of their data which turns Facebook, Google and co. into very successful business models generating billions of us dollar.
Since it is very easy to collect data on the web and only very few people understand the dynamics of the Web. I would guess that right now this is one of the most profitable business models on the Internet.
Your contact data vs. data about your interests that define you
Think about it. Giving your name and adress to me even in public on the internet doesn’t allow me to do any business. While building my social network metalcon I experienced something interesting. People have been scared as hell to provide their real name while registering with metalcon. But talking to some of the users in reality they did not realize that the data they produce while using the plattform is what should rather scare them.
You don’t believe it? Let us look into to data facebook is collecting from you in order to monetarize it.

What  obvious facts does facebook know about you?

  • first of all the interests from your  profile
  • who your friends are
  • The interests of your friends.

This is already very strong and combined with artificial intelligence will lead to amazing service like friend recommender and highly personalized advertising systems

What not so obvious facts does Facebook know about you?

It is akward that almost no one is aware of the fact that you don’t have to fill out your social networking profile or have friendships to tell facebook your interests (I don’t have friends on facebook and the friend recommender works) . Facebook knows:

  • Who you communicate with and how frequently.
  • What you are really interested in (you constantly tell facebook by clicking on things and visiting profiles and pages!)
  • which people your really know (being tagged together in a lot of fotos is a strong indicator!)
  • What websites you surf on (there are like buttons everywhere! and most the time you are still logged in with facebook) it is like criterio
  • In which geographical regions you login to facebook
  • How many people are interested in you and if you are an oppinion leader

The boldest part is how facebook uses all the knowledge about useres and brands to earn money by just enabling people to communicate

Summeray of the Data trading business model

You run a website that people love and you collect user behavoir and other data they tell you implicitly. This data just needs to define them and their interests. You don’t cara about a name! You make it anonymous just like google serach was for a long time. Now you use this data to create an ad system or anything similar. You can even go out and start selling products your own!

Jumping back in time

I still remember the first days of the internet. You registered on some site and they asked you to fill out an old fashioned survey => very annoying and it was not even helping to earn good money.

  • age
  • sex
  • income
  • children
  • education
  • choose 3 interests
  • what papers do you read
  • what tv do you watch

In comparison to the Data facebook and Google collect about you that was really innocent. Comparing those modern companies with their sophisticated approaches and compare it to the pioneers in the online user data business it is incredible to see how the .com bubble could really rise up.

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