I am a performance guy. I love algorithms and data structures. When I was 16 years old I already programmed a software that could play chess against you using a high performance programming technique called Bitboards.
But thinking about metalcon I realized that web scale is not so much about performance of single services or parts of the software but rather about the scalability of the entire architecture. After many discussions with colleagues Heinrich Hartmann and me came up with a software architecture from which we believe it will scale for web sites that are supposed to handle several million monthly active users (probably not billions though). After discussing the architecture with my team of developers Patrik wrote a nice blog article about the service oriented data denormalized architecture for scalable web applications (which of course was not invented by Heinrich an me. Patrik found out that it was already described in a WWW publication from 2008).
Anyway this discussion showed me that Scalability is more important than performance! Though I have to say that the stand alone services should also be very performant. if a service can only handle 20 requests per seconds – even if it easily scales horizontally – you will just need too many machines.
Especially after the code review but also having the currently running metalcon version in mind I came to the conclusion that there is an incredibly high value in maintainable code. The hackers community seems to agree on the fact that maintainability comes over performance (only one of many examples).
At that point I want to recall my initial post on the redesign of metalcon. I had in mind that performace is the same as scaling (which is a wrong assumption) and asked about Ruby on rails vs GWT. I am totally convinced that GWT is much more performant than ruby. But I have seen GWT code and it seems almost impractical to maintain. On the other side from all that I know Ruby on Rails is very easy to maintain but it is less performant. The good thing is it easily scales horizontally so it seems almost like a no brainer to use Ruby on Rails rather than GWT for the front end design and middle layer of metalcon.
Now comes the most interesting fact that I realized. A software architecture scales best if it has a lot of independent services. If services need to interact they should be asynchronous and non blocking. Creating a clear software architecture with clear communication protocols between its parts will do 2 things for you:
I find this to be very interesting and counter intuitive. One would think that performance is a core element for scalability but I have the strong feeling that writing maintainable code is much more important. So my ranked list of priorities for backend web programming (!) looks like that:
When we built metalcon no one on the team had experience with high scaling web applications and we were about happy to get it running any way. After returning from china and starting my PhD program in 2011 I was about to shut down metalcon. Though we became close friends the core team was already up on new projects and we have been lacking manpower. On the other side everyone kept on telling me that metalcon would be a great place to do research. So in 2011 Jonas and me decided to give it another shot and do an open redevelopment. We set up a wiki to document our features and the software and we created a developer blog which we used to exchange ideas. Also we created some open source project to which we hardly contributed code due to the lacking manpower…
Well at that time we already knew of too many problems so that fixing was not the way to go. At least we did learn a lot. Thinking about high scaling architectures at that time I new that a news feed (which the old version of metalcon already had) was very core for the user experience. Reading many stack exchange discussions I knew that you wouldn’t build such a stream on MySQL. Also playing around with graph databases like neo4j I came to my first research paper building graphity a software which is designed to distribute highly personalized news streams to users. Since our development was not proceeding we never deployed Graphity within metalcon. Also building an autocomplete service for the site should not be a problem anymore.
So again feel free to give input, share your ideas and experiences with me and with the community. I will be ver greatfull for every recommendation of articles, videos, books and so on.