In my German article on Facebook Marketing for Bands I mentioned that part of your good online marketing (not only on Facebook) is the communication with your fans. Especially answering fanmail and answering their questions is important. One comment on my article said that caring about all fans takes a lot of man power and …
Month: August 2011
Band marketing on Facebook
I just wanted to point out that I was writing some German articles about band marketing on Facebook for Germany’s biggest Blog on Facebook marketing called Today the first article of my article series came online and I am very excited to see how everyone liked it! So if you speak German feel free …
Social news streams and time indices on graphs for social networks
Last week I had a meeting with my PhD advisor and we talked about my ideas on social news streams and how you could implement them using graph data bases. Of course my choise here would be neo4j. Yesterday I had my first talk in our “Oberseminar” which is a weekly meeting of all PhD …
How to create animations between two vector graphics?
I am just about to prepare a talk about my current research on social news streams for social networks. As I have learned giving good examples is essential! That is why I already spent a whole day learning some basic inkscape to create some vector graphics which are supposed to visualize some of my research …
Website of GEMA hacked by anonymous group AnonyPwnies
In Germany a lot of music videos on youtube are not available because youtube and GEMA could never agree on the amount of licence fees that youtube should pay to legally stream those videos. So if I want to listen / watch to a Lady Gaga Video in Germany I won’t be able to do …
Teach First Germany – Why education is a Human right.
Today i want to introduce you to a project that is very important to me! It is called Teach First Germany and follows the model of the uk based idea of teach first (see wikipedia). I don’t know if one could really call it social entrepreneurship but I would do so! Teach First was first …
Propaganda, filtering and blocking by Facebook?
The discussions about the ethics of facebook are old and everyone knows my oppinion on their ethics. But now I discovered a youtube video shared by a Google Product Manager on Google plus that Facebook will filter out your invitations to Googleplus from your friends facebook news stream. It is not new that facebook is …