Two and a half years ago I posted about Simons project which at that time was just starting and to me still very fuzzy. Still I donated 150 Euro and asked others to do the same. It was the trust I had in him that it would be working out great even though it was …
Category: Collective Intelligence
Collective Intelligence is a combination of computer science, social science as well as brain & cognitive science to understand how people and computers can be connected so that (collectively) they act more intelligently than any individuals, groups, or computers would be able to.
Creating an award winning video doesn’t need much technology or technical know how.
After I won the community award in the Wikipedia Video contest in the category documentation and interview with my pointer in C video I would like to share some experiences on creating educational videos. This is mainly to encourage anyone to do the same as I did. Have a look at the winning video again …
About the future of Videos on Wikiversity, Wikipedia and Wikimedia Commons
In the following article I want to give an overview of the discussions and movements that are going on about video and multimedia content for wikipedia and her sister projects. I will start with some positive experiences and then tell you about some bad experiences. This article is not to wine about some edit war …
Drug junkie steals my neo4j t-shirt out of my physical mailbox
Being at FOSDEM 20013 Peter from Neo4j asked my if I would like to get a neo4j shirt send to my home adress. We have to keep in mind that i just moved back to Koblenz from China. I did not only move to Koblenz but I moved to Koblenz Lützel. I knew from my …
Video of FOSDEM talk finally online
I was visiting FOSDEM 2013 with Heinrich Hartmann and talking about the video of this talk is finally online and of course I would like to share this with the community: The slides can be found here.
GWT + database connection in Servlet ContextListener – Auto Complete Video Tutorial Part 5
Finally we have all the basics that are needed for building an Autocomplete service and now comes the juicy part. From now on we are looking at how to make it fast and robust. In the current approach we open a new Data base connection for every HTTP request. This needs quite some time to …
The best way to create an autocomplete service: And the winner is…. Giuseppe Ottaviano
Over one year ago I was starting to think about indexing scored stings for auto completion queries. I stumbled upon this problem after seeing the strength of the predictions of the typology approach for next word prediction on smartphones. The typology approach had one major drawback: Though its suggestions had a high precision the speed …
Building an Autocompletion on GWT screencast Part 1: Getting Warm – Reviewing remote procedure calls
Quite a while ago I promised to create some screencasts on how to build a (personalized) Autocompletion in GWT. Even though the screencasts have been created for quite some time now I had to wait publishing them for various reasons. Finally it is now the time to go public with the first video. I do …
Slides of Related work application presented in the Graphdevroom at FOSDEM
Download the slidedeck of our talk at fosdem 2013 including all the resources that we pointed to. Most important other links are: source code slides from the talk data sets proposal cypher benchmark was great talking here and again we are open source, open data and so on. So if you have suggestions or want …
The start of the Linked Data benchmark council Eu FP7 Big Data pro
Peter who is working for Neo4j is an industry partner of the which is a EU FP7 Project in the Big Data call. The goal of this project is to put out good methodologies for benchmarking linked open data and rdf stores as well as graph data bases. In this context the council should …