Davy really nicely introduced the problem of looking at a snapshot of a data base. This problem obviously exists for any data base technology. You have a lot of timestamped records but running a query as if you fired it a couple of month ago is always a difficult challange. With FluxGraph a solution to …
Category: Collective Intelligence
Collective Intelligence is a combination of computer science, social science as well as brain & cognitive science to understand how people and computers can be connected so that (collectively) they act more intelligently than any individuals, groups, or computers would be able to.
Frank Cellar introduces ArangoDB
Frank Cellar (https://twitter.com/fceller) introduces his ArangoDB which is basically a Document store (key, value) and uses a blueprint graph interface. Interestingly he is doing his demonstrations on the DBLP data set which is highly relevant for Heinrich and my related work project which we are introducing in our talk. ArangoDB has several APIs to interact …
Michael Hunger talks about High Availability of Neo4j built on Paxos in the GraphDevroom @ FOSDEM
As we know neo4j has a master slave replication with eventual consistency so there is not the typical ACID requirements. The way is ether wring the master which pushes to the slaves. But it is also possible to write to the slaves directly which is super save but much slower since syncronization between slaves is …
Support Simon Turschner's project Vensenya to help children in need
This morning I received an email from Simon Turschner asking me to look at his new project Vensenya. http://www.indiegogo.com/vensenya I did and donated 150 Euro to the project because I think it is just great what Simon plans to do. I know Simon from a summer academie in Guidel 2008 after he received his master …
Report of Socialcom2012 online in our new WeST blog
Hey everyone, longtime no see! Well yeah the summer time usually means vaccation and traveling and so on. But I also have been busy creating some cool content and visiting some conference! So first of all together with my friend Leon Kastler I have established our new WeST Blog. The goal is to be more …
Google Video on Search Quality Meeting: Spelling for Long Queries by Lars Hellsten
Amazing! Today I had a discussion with a coworker about transparency and the way companies should be more open about what they are doing! And what happens on the same day? One of my favourite webcompanies has decided to publish a short video taken from the weekly search quality meeting! The proposed change by Lars …
Related-work.net – Product Requirement Document released!
Recently I visited my friend Heinrich Hartmann in Oxford. We talked about various issues how research is done in these days and how the web could theoretically help to spread information faster and more efficiently connect people interested in the same paper / topics. The idea of http://www.related-work.net was born. A scientific platform which is …
Birds of a feather: Graph processing future trends in Graph Devroom
Since one of the talks got canceled the organisers of the Graph Devroom at Fosdem used the opportunity to make a public discussions with all the developers to talk about some future trends in graph processing. I really liked the idea but unfortunately the discussion wasn’t really kicking off well. I guess for a discussion …
Nils Grunwald from Linkfluence talks at FOSDEM about Cascalog for graph processing
Nils Grunwald works at the french startup Linkefluence. Their product is more or less social network analysis and graph processing. They crawl the web and blogs or get other social network data and provide solutions with statistics and insights for their customers. In this scenario obviously big data is envolved and the data carries a …
Claudio Martella talks @ FOSDEM about Apache Giraph: Distributed Graph Processing in the Cloud
Claudio Martella introduces Apache Giraph which according to him is a loose implementation of Google Pregel which was introduced on SIGMOD in 2010. He points out that Map Reduce cannot be used to do graph processing. He then gave an example on how MapReduce can be used to to do page rank calculation. He points out that Pagerank can be calculated …