Claudio Martella talks @ FOSDEM about Apache Giraph: Distributed Graph Processing in the Cloud

Claudio Martella introduces Apache Giraph which according to him is a loose implementation of Google Pregel which was introduced  on SIGMOD in 2010. He points out that Map Reduce cannot be used to do graph processing. He then gave an example on how MapReduce can be used to to do page rank calculation. He points out that Pagerank can be calculated …

Open Access and the Boycott of Elsevier! Let uns not stop here and take the digital revolution one step further!

Believing in open models and supporting ideas of copy left I am more than happy to see the current developement of scientists worldwide publicly making statements of not supporting Elsevier in the future which I will obviously join! You can find the page where scientists make thos statements under: And you find much more resources …

Google 2011 Q4 Earnings

Ok no secret here that I am a Google Fan. But listening to the Google Report of 2011 I am just amazed and speechless. Everything is growing: $10 bn revenue / quartal ==> more than $100 mio. / day!!! 90 Mio Google+ users over 60% of plus users engage daily with it and over 80% …