Wikipedia – UNESCO World Culture Heritage

This morning I received an email telling me about wikipedias plans to become an UNESCO world culture heritage. I right away was amazed by this idea! Think about it! Wikipedia is one of the greatest projects that came along in recent years. Education and knowledge are among the most important things in our society and wikipedia not only build the greatest encyclopedia in the world but also made it creative common licence available to anyone with an internet connection and does not even sell advertising. Wikipedia could make billions of dollars but instead they decided to donate it to our society and stay independent. Wikipedia is running on donations by anyone who uses it and wants to donate.
It is incredible to see how humans behave in a collective once technology enables us to do so.
In recent times I was several times wondering weather the piece nobel prize should be given to wikipedia. Even though this is not the discussion right now I think to make Wikipedia an UNESCO World Culture Heritage would be a very good step to give honor to those who deserve it.

Jimmy Wales Wikipedia Founder about this

So you see we need your help to sign the petition and support wikipedia!

more information

or directly sign the petition

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  1. This comment is directed to the person who wrote the piece entitled, “Wikipedia – UNESCO World Culture Heritage”. If, as you say, “education and knowledge are among the most important things…”, perhaps you should go back to school. Your command of written English is poor, to put it kindly.

    1. Hey Judy,
      as you can see from my web adress I am not a native speaker. So if you would correct my english I would be happy to learn more!.

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