Today Eric Schmidt was a trending topic on Twitter. The reason seems that at AllThingsD9l Walt Mossberg was interviewing Eric Schmidt the former Google CEO. Please listen to this man. He has an amazing viewpoint! This could also fill into privacy or collective intelligence but the topic is much deeper. While most people discuss on …
Tag: data
What are the 57 signals google uses to filter search results?
Since my blog post on Eli Pariser’s Ted talk about the filter bubble became quite popular and a lot of people seem to be interested in which 57 signals Google would use to filter search results I decided to extend the list from my article and list the signals I would use if I was …
What is Linked open data or the Web of data?
Linked open data or the web of data is the main concept and idea of the semantic web proposed by Tim Berners-Lee. The semantic web is often also referred to as web3.0. But what is the difference of the Internet as we know it by now and the web of data? On the Internet there …
IBM's Watson & Google – What is the the difference?
Recently there was a lot of news on the Web about IBM’s natural language processing system Watson. As you might have heard right now Watson is challenging two of the best Jeopardy players in the US. A lot of news magazines compare Watson with Google which is the reason for this article. Even though the algorithms behind Watson and Google are not open source still a lot of estimates and guesses can be made about the algorithms both computer systems use in order to give intelligent answers to the questions people ask them. Based on this guesses I will explain the differences between Google and Watson.
Download Data Sets on this blog
Why is there a data set section on this blog and what kind of articles can be found in this section. What data sets will be available for download on this blog?