Yesterday Julia Preusse – who started her PhD studies at WeST just a month before I did – had a talk about her research interests. She is interested in communities and the behaviour of users in discussions. I thought she was having some interesting ideas. That is why I asked her for a meeting today. …
Tag: why
Apple I phone Location tracking: That's not a bug
Today Apple finnaly published a press release with a statement about their tracking of geo locations of iPhone users. They clearly say that they did not intend to save this data on an I phone nor did they purposely send the data back to the apple servers. In their press release they state that this …
Facebook User Search: Ever wondered how Facebook is more social than others?
After Eli’s talk on TED and my recent article about the filter bubble I decided to dig a little deeper into Facebook’s EdgeRank algorithm, which decides what Updates appear in your news feed. I found some more scientific background on how EdgeRank really works. Even though EdgeRank was first mentioned on Facebook F8 Live on …
Why blogging about collective intelligence
Collective intelligence is something that particularly on the Internet is very present. Great examples are Wikipedia, Google and most open source projects. Collective intelligence and artificial intellegence is not the same. Future articles about collective intelligence will address, discuss and explain the difference and show how to combine these concepts for maximum benefit.
Download Data Sets on this blog
Why is there a data set section on this blog and what kind of articles can be found in this section. What data sets will be available for download on this blog?
About Internet Start ups
The web already brought up some really cool internet products but I believe we have only seen a tiny part of what is possible. Within this category I want to introduce the most interesting internet startups I know of and share my ideas about them and their business models with you.
Why online music marketing and what is it?
It was not the internet that brought problems to music industry but rather the way the industry reacted to the rapid changes. I believe the internet (including the ways useres found to share mp3’s) is one of the biggest gifts musicians could get because the possibilities to increase direct marketing and customer relation management are almost infinite.